3 Months Old Already!
Atlas turned 3 months old Tuesday, and we have been observing that he is growing. Observing in a rather non-scientific way, mind you.
“Wow, he sure is looking taller.”
“His head seems to be filling out.”
“Doesn’t he look like he’s getting bigger.”
Like I said, very unscientific. Plus, we’ve been making guesses as to how much he weighs.
Jackson read that, at 3 months, the average Great Pyrenees weighs about 30 pounds. That was the guess from the boys as we were headed out to the vet for his vaccinations today.
I, having just lifted him into the truck, was feeling a more conservative 25 pounds. Not that I am any expert weight-guesser, but I just had a hard time feeling like he had DOUBLED his weight in 21 days.
He was 15.8 pounds on 8/6 and 26.4 pounds today (8/27)! I wouldn’t have won on The Price is Right, but I’ll take that as a win 🙂 Any guesses for the next 3 weeks??
Here are a few more pictures from our adventures to the vet today.
What a difference an egg makes
Wow, we’ve been busy around here! Started school this past week, and we’ve been trying to adjust to the new schedule. Life on the farm keeps moving, and it has been exciting!
This week, we got our first second egg! The brown/red chicken finally started laying, and none-too-soon 🙂 This family of four (plus 3 extended family in the Joelton Woods) all love eggs, so our roughly 1 a day since we brought the ladies home has been tough.
I know, I know – we aren’t officially even supposed to HAVE chickens (according to the “original plan”) until the week of 9/16, so yes, we are grateful to have ANY eggs at all. But still. Once you start getting a “home grown” egg, it’s hard to eat the “boughten” ones 🙂
Atlas has continued to grow in the past week (surprise!). Hard to believe he’ll be 3 months old Tuesday! We learned this week that it is important to get down to visit him and give him some attention several times during the day. Otherwise, his puppiness gets bored and wants to play with the chickens. This, of course, can’t be tolerated. I expect that over the next few months, his guardian instincts will start kicking up a notch. We’ll definitely be keeping the 4-week old chicks in a small pen with only supervised free time until they’re bigger and all parties are used to one another.
Ah, the joys and challenges of life at Crack of Dawn Farms. Wouldn’t trade it for anything! Here is a little album of some more pics around the farm over the past week.