Chaos Reigns

It has been nuts around here. Every time I think we are getting into a rhythm of sorts, it goes haywire.

As I reported earlier, all the critters did admirably well while Ryan and I were gone on our weekend jaunt down to Florida. Then, Tuesday morning, Atlas decided that 4 months old would be a splendid time to go through a regression.

I went downstairs to feed everyone and let the Black Stars out of the coop, and Atlas was laying at the gate with our Red Star between his paws, mouthing at her feathers!

It's a rope! I promise!
It’s a rope! I promise!

It has been a week of correction, crating, and leash time interspersed with times of freedom thinking that all was going to be ok only to have him go back to chasing (and catching!) again. He seems to have decided that it is real fun to catch the “old guard” (Dominique or Red Star) as they come out of their tree roost in the morning. I even caught him stalking them as they started their descent while I was out in the yard one morning!!

Last night, Jerry and I decided to get them and put them in the coop for a week of coop training to get them to where they would roost indoors finally – in hopes that they would seem more “normal” to Atlas again.

That was great, but then I relented and let everyone out this morning. I couldn’t see making the Black Stars stay in all that time when they have been doing what they should. Instead, we limbed the tree that the old guard has been using so that it is a MUCH higher flight to get to the roosting branch.

It was kinda sad watching them pace and cluck at dusk tonight, but they eventually made the decision to sleep indoors (YAY!). The Dominique did make one valiant running leap/flight attempt to reach the limb, but she gave up shortly after that.

Then, it seems as though Atlas decided to try and be a herding dog. He laid quietly by the gate while all the coop entry shenanigans were taking place – up until it was the Dominique’s turn to finally go in, then he was stalking her almost like he was trying to round her up!

I’ll tell ya, I was pretty happy to close that coop door tonight! I am hoping that tomorrow night will be more natural for the old guard to go inside. Now, it is just a mystery what tomorrow will bring. I feel pretty certain I don’t have to worry about any Pyr feather plucking before I get down to the yard at least!

SO…. my question to the masses is… Are there any Great Pyrenees being used as Livestock Guardians that areĀ only protecting chickens??? Does everyone out there also have goats/sheep/etc. to help keep the Pyr company? I’m wondering if Atlas is just lonely/bored. I’m not ready for goats, infrastructure-wise. I guess I could put my boys on shifts to occupy the dog during the day…

Until next time… Here are some pics from around the farm: